Stanley - Season 3 2004

Stanley - Season 3

7.00 30 minutes
Stanley is an animated television series that was aired on Disney Junior, based on the series of children's books written by "Griff", also known as Andrew Griffin. It was produced by Cartoon Pizza, and was developed for television by Jim Jinkins and David Campbell. Stanley teaches a wide variety of issues preschool children face, including change, growth, rules, and dealing with others. Each episode centers around an animal that deals with or helps explain the issue Stanley is grappling with. Junkanoo and reggae fusion group Baha Men, known for "Who Let the Dogs Out", sang the theme song for the series, "My Man Stanley".



1983 TV Shows


2018 TV Shows


1996 TV Shows


1995 TV Shows


1996 TV Shows

The ChuckleHounds

1986 TV Shows

Shiba Inuko-san

2012 TV Shows

Johnny Test

2005 TV Shows



1998 TV Shows

The Walking Dead

2010 TV Shows

Game of Thrones

2011 TV Shows

Breaking Bad

2008 TV Shows

The Big Bang Theory

2007 TV Shows

The Mandalorian

2019 TV Shows

The Boys

2019 TV Shows

Band of Brothers

2001 TV Shows


2017 TV Shows

The Simpsons

1989 TV Shows

Modern Family

2009 TV Shows

The Good Doctor

2017 TV Shows


2024 TV Shows

Stranger Things

2016 TV Shows

Grey's Anatomy

2005 TV Shows

Doctor Who

2005 TV Shows