Boris - Season 1 2022

Boris - Season 1

8.60 30 minutes
Boris is an Italian television series created by Luca Manzi and Carlo Mazzotta, initially produced from 2007 to 2010, with a revival season premiered in 2022. The show brings to the stage the behind the scenes of a television set where a troupe is shooting Gli occhi del cuore 2 (The eyes of the heart 2), a satirical portrait of the many fictions airing on the Italian TV networks.


At Last the 1948 Show

1967 TV Shows

The Kumars at No. 42

2001 TV Shows

Believe Nothing

2002 TV Shows


1983 TV Shows

Black Tie Affair

1993 TV Shows

The Thin Blue Line

1995 TV Shows

Clone High

2002 TV Shows

Legal High

2019 TV Shows

Little Britain

2003 TV Shows

Humanity Has Declined

2012 TV Shows

Space Force

2020 TV Shows



2013 TV Shows


2020 TV Shows

L'Ottavo Nano

2001 TV Shows

Casa Vianello

1988 TV Shows

The Hunter

2018 TV Shows

Avere Ventanni

2004 TV Shows

Trinity Seven

2014 TV Shows

The Vertical Line

2018 TV Shows

United States of Tara

2009 TV Shows

Father Matteo

2000 TV Shows


2020 TV Shows


2015 TV Shows


2000 TV Shows